Thursday 20 June 2013

Co-workers from Hell

Is it me or is that some people are negatively affected by the moon cycle/half-moon cycle? It seems that some people lack the decency of a good social attitude.  Why is it that these same people who carry the world on their shoulders are quickly taken aback when given a dose of their own medicine?  Sometimes I try to stay away from people especially women that I sense are having a “bad day” at work.  I simply asked if I could use a colleague’s printer at work only to get a crappy response which I quickly walked away from.  I believe most work places should have a course for social & interpersonal skills.  There is nothing like a good attitude because taking your anger/stress out on a co-worker doesn’t solve the situation or make things calmer but only creates a frustrated work place, making it uncomfortable for everyone. At first I used to take it personal but have come to realize that there are people who just like feeling stressed and try to dampen the mood in a room. So, I really do not care for such attitudes but continue to make myself happy.

On another note, today’s Day 2 of the existence of my bread pudding and I’m yet to have another taste of the dry overbaked pudding.  I’m afraid it may end up in the garbage bin despite that I detest wasting food Well, let’s wait and see how hungry I will be for dessert tomorrow.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Finally…Bread Pudding

Procrastination is not just a flaw or a bad habit but can also be a disorder.  And as the saying goes it is the “thief of time.”   I have lots of things that I have been putting on hold, saying to myself tomorrow…tomorrow…tomorrow.  But what if the tomorrow never comes as tomorrow is never promised, then what?  I can count how many times I have slapped myself on the head for not getting things done when they’re supposed to.   For almost year I have been thinking of making a bread pudding from scratch and getting/starting my own blog.  Well, I can applaud myself for finally accomplishing these things today.  I feel like I have accomplished a whole lot today…and hope it continues this way.  I will keep pushing myself and not let this weakness of procrastinating get the best of me.  Though, the bread pudding was a lot dry and over-baked, I still feel like I’ve accomplished something   It is still edible and will force myself to eat everything because I know none of my family and friends will eat it.